21 March 2008


Easter is an important festival for the Christians. The week before Easter is called the Holy Week (Karwoche).
Palm Sunday is the first day of the Holy Week and celebrates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey (Esel).
On Maunday Thursday (Gründonnerstag).
Christians remember when Jesus ate the Last Supper (Letztes Abendmahl) with his disciples (Apostel), breaking bread and drinking wine.

On Good Friday (Karfreitag), many churches hold services (Hl. Messe) thinking of Christ’s death.

Easter Sunday marks Jesus’ resurrection (Auferstehung).

For Christians, Easter eggs symbolise new life.
Easter is named after the Anglo-Saxon goddess (Göttin) of dawn (Tagesanbruch) and spring (Frühling). It falls on a Sunday between 22 March and 25 April. It is a time of fun and celebration because it is the end of winter and the end of Lent (Fastenzeit).

Children in Austria and Germany believe in the Easter Bunny.
They say it delivers (verteilen) eggs and sweets. Children have easter egg hunts (Jagd/Suche) in the garden.

Happy Easter

His name was Melric.
He cooked meals, repaired things, painted the castle and worked in the garden.
He also helped other people.
Because he got up late.
Nothing happened.
The King was angry because Melric was late.
Most things went wrong.
He wanted to see Kra, his old teacher.
He had to walk.
He lived in a cave.
He was hot and tired.
Because he did everything for the people and they were helpless.
Yes, he did. But he told him not to waste it.
He saw enemy soldiers.
He changed the enemy soldiers into cats.
The castle dogs ran after the cats, and the cats ran away.
He told them, “You must do your work without magic. I must not wast it.”
He had to learn how to make his bed.

. . . to you all !

13 March 2008

Easter eggs

Let's try something funny.
Follow the instructions:

Go to:
www.google.at or www.google.com
Search for/Type in:
google easter eggs
Click: "Auf gut Glück"

What can you see?
Surprise, surprise !!!

The Easter Bunny Rap

12 March 2008

Practice makes perfect

Some more online-exercises to practise for the Test:

should - could (able to)
Vocabulary - Ghosts
Vocabulary - Science Fiction
Study and change: Sports and Games

Source: schule.at

More exercises for the 3rd Test

Comparison with exceptional forms:

1 This road is _____________ than the one we took before (bad).
2 That plane was the _______________ (latest/last) model before the factory was closed down.
3 Where is the _______________ (nearest/next) supermarket? I am in a hurry.
4 At dinner I had to sit _______________ (next/nearest) to Aunt Emily.
5 What is the _____________ way to the doctor's? - Take the __________ street on the right and go straight on (next/nearest).
6 Any ______________ (farther/further) questions?
7 Joe is my _____________ (older/elder) brother.
8 At the doctor's: Who's ______________ (nearest/next)?
9 It cost _______________ (little) money that I had expected.
10 Hope for the ___________ (good) and prepare for the __________________ (bad).
11 The postman came _______________ (latter/later) than usual.
12 This is the _______________ (latest/last) news.
13 The patient slept badly; ____________ (bad) than the night before.
14 This is his ________________ novel; we hope it won't be his ________ (last/latest)
15 Who has got the ________________ (few) mistakes?
16 By car it is two miles to Windsor. By train it is ________________ (farther/further).
17 I met her _______________ (last/latest) night at the party.
18 I feel really ill. Can you show me the ___________ (next/nearest) way to the doctor's?
19 For __________________ (further/farther) information ask at the office.
20 What is the ____________ (last/latest) fashion in dresses?

Adverb - Adjective

1 She explained everything ___________________ (friendly).
2 Smoking is __________________ (real)__________ (bad) for your health.
3 This is a ______________ (useful) and ______________ (easy) exercise. I hope you can ______________ (easy) fill in the ______________ (correct) forms.
4 Some farmers keep their cows in _________________ (extreme) __________(small) spaces.
5 Terrie is a ______________ (pretty) girl. She also sings _________ (pretty).
6 The teacher seems to be ________________ (angry). I heard him shout ________ (loud)
7 It is ____________ (terrible) ____________ (cold) today.
8 Put the _______ (fresh) vegetables in the fridge, please.
9 The sausage looks _________ (good) but does not smell ___________ (nice)
10 The students are _______ (real)_________ (good) and they work _________ (extreme)
____________ (hard).
11 Do you feel _____________ (happy) at school?
12 Your story sounds _____________ (strange). Is it really _____ (true)?
13 When the burglar heard the voice, he turned round _____________ (quick) and looked ______________ (angry) at the policeman.
14 This is an _________________ (extreme) ____________ (fast) car.
15 Lots of people were __________________ (bad) hurt in the accident.

must - have to/ need not - don't have to

1 Er musste nicht lernen.
2 Musst du lernen? (mit "do")
3 Musstest du lernen?
4 Ich musste nicht lernen.
5 Ich werde nicht lernen müssen.
6 Er musste lernen.
7 Werden wir lernen müssen?
8 Muss er lernen? (mit "does")
9 Wir müssen nicht lernen (2 forms)
10 Wir müssen lernen.
11 Wird sie lernen müssen?
12 Werde ich lernen müssen?
13 Ihr musstest nicht lernen.
14 Ihr müsst nicht lernen.
15 Du wirst nicht lernen müssen.
16 Wir werden lernen müssen.
17 Müssen sie lernen?
18 Ihr musstet nicht lernen.
19 Du musst lernen.
20 Ich musste lernen.

Key: Comparison/Adverb-Adjective/must - need not

10 March 2008

Bring a word a day

appreciative - dankbar
indignantly - empört
wristwatch - Armbanduhr
soliloquy - Selbstgespräch
magic wand - Zauberstab
servant - DienerIn
bountiful - großzügig
impossible - unmöglich
wonderful - wunderbar

gypsy - ZigeunerIn
wonderful - wunderbar
piglet - Ferkel
incredible - unglaublich
wisdom tooth - Weisheitszahn
funny farm - Klapsmühle
for this reason - deswegen
sick/ill - krank
brain - Gehirn
snail - Schnecke
expensive - teuer
to knock down - niederfahren
manager - Direktor
icicle - Eiszapfen
mistake - Fehler
careful - vorsichtig

Unit 11 - Sports and Games

9 March 2008

Exercises for the 3rd Test

Hi folks,
Here are some exercises for you. Print them out, fill in the correct forms and check by pressing "Key".

Adverb - Adjective

This is an _________(easy) but ________________(useful) exercise. I hope you can
fill in the _______________ (correct) forms.

Percy is rather _________ (intelligent). It is _________(real) surprising that he
is such a _____________ (careless) driver. He should drive more ______________

Do the girls dance ______________ (good)? - No, they all dance ___________ (bad).

Klaus has attended (besucht) classes ________________ (regular) and now he speaks
English _____________(fluent - flüssig). Sometimes it is not ____________ (easy) to
understand what he says because he speaks so ______________ (terrible) ____________
(fast). His pronunciation (=Aussprache) is quite ___________ (correct).

Miles is not _________ (bad) at French, but he does his homework very ________
(slow). Sometimes, however, when he wants to go swimming, he is ___________
(surprising = überraschend) _______________(quick).

He seemed to be _____________ (angry). I heard him speaking ____________ (excited =
aufgeregt) to his son.

She drank the milk ________ (quick) and said that it tasted _________ (good).

The young lady looked ________________ (beautiful) in her new dress. Only her hair
smelt __________________ (strong) of some cheap perfume.

If the minister was _____________ (wrong) informed, it looks ____________ (bad) for
the government.

At first her story sounded ______________ (strange) to us.

Does she feel ____________ (happy) at the university? - Of course, she does; but
she does not study really ____________ (hard).

12 This cake looks _____________ (delicious) but it tastes ____________ (awful).

It is ______________ (terrible) _______________ (hot) today. This steak does not
smell ___________ (good). You should have put in in the refrigerator.

When the burglar (Einbrecher) heard the voice he turned round _______________
(quick) and looked _____________ (furious) at the policemen. He looked
____________ (dangerous) in his rage (= Wut).

Key: Adverb - Adjective

Modal Verbs
must not - need not

1 Sally _____________ stay up late. She is tired.
2 People ________________ cross the street when there is a zebra-crossing nearby.
3 You ________________ wash the car. I have already washed it.
4 We ______________ take an umbrella. It has stopped raining.
5 You _____________ eat anymore. You'll get too fat.
6 You ________________ take the tablets anymore; they are not good for you.
7 You _______________ smoke in the theatre.
8 He _______________ hurry: there is plenty of time (= genug Zeit).
9 You _____________ lend him the money; he has won in the lottery.
10 You ________________ lend him the money; you will never get it back.
11 You ____________________ eat more if you don't want to.
12 You ___________________ drink so much whisky.
13 You _____________________ drive so fast. There's a speed limit here.
14 Visitors ______________ feed the animals in the zoo.
15 You ____________ help me now. I'm fine.

Key: must not - need not

can/could - to be able to

1 Last year I ____________________________(not go) to Scotland, but I __________________ (go) there next year.
2 Last year my little sister _______________________ (not walk).
3 Next year little Andrew _______________________ (swim).
4 I _____________________ (repair) my car (Present Tense).
5 I am sure he ___________________ (pass) the test (Will-Future).
6 They ____________________ (open) the door (Past Tense).
7 ________________________________ (you, do) your homework? (Will-Future).
8 I ________________________ (help) him (Past Tense).
9 ____________________________ the boys (repair) the bike? (Past Tense)
10 In six years I _____________________(drive) a car. (Will-Future).
11 I _____________________ (bake) a cake. (Present Tense).
12 ____________________________ (iron) the blouse? (Present Tense)

Key: can/could - to be able to

3 March 2008

Exercises: Adverb - Adjective

Exercise 1: Adverb - Adjective
Source: Englischlehrer.de
Exercise 2: Adverb- Adjective: HotPot
Source: better-english.com
Exercise 3: Adverbs - Adjective: Crossword puzzle
Source: cernet.at
Exercise 3: Adverb - Adjective
Source: smic.be
Exercise 4: Adverb - Adjective
Source: smic.be
Test 5: Adverb - Adjective
Source: edhuhi.at